GapMok Kim 应用

출석, 출석부 2.0
GapMok Kim
간편 출석, 출석부.- '복잡한 것은 싫다!' 간단 명료한 출석부.- 출석부를 엑셀에서 보기.- 결석자에게 문자보내기.- 학생별 출석률 보기등. 통계정보 제공.- 폰주소록에서 학생가져오기.- 출석데이터는 폰에만 저장됩니다.----개발자 연락처 :푸른소프트 01056138008Simple attendance,attendance.- 'It is not like complicated!' Clear and simple attendance.- View from excel attendance.- Send a text absentee.- Attendance by students and view. Providing statisticalinformation.- Students in the phone book import.- Attendance data are stored only on the phone.
Store management 1.7.1
GapMok Kim
This is a simple store or warehouse management application. Thisiseasy, fast and easy. Try it. Thank you.